
Fully Funded Scholarships

Humayl Consultants is dedicated to empowering aspiring minds on their educational journey. Our primary focus is on guiding and supporting students in finding the right path and securing fully funded scholarships that can transform their academic ambitions into reality. We firmly believe in the exceptional potential of every student, and we are here to ensure that financial barriers do not stand in the way of their educational dreams. Our work is a testament to our unwavering faith in the life-changing power of education. We are deeply committed to nurturing the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, contributing to the enrichment of communities through the power of education.

Fully Funded Scholarships for China

China extends a welcoming hand to international students through a variety of scholarships, including the prestigious Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC), local and provincial government scholarships, and the Confucius Institute Scholarship. These scholarships cater to diverse needs and backgrounds.

Among the notable offerings is the Belt and Road Scholarship, a full scholarship program covering tuition, accommodation, and living expenses. It’s open to students from over 60 countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa. Participating universities include Tsinghua, Peking, Fudan, and Zhejiang University.

Fully Funded Scholarships for Italy

Italy welcomes international students with a range of scholarships, including:

Italian Government Scholarships: Administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), these scholarships can cover tuition, accommodation, and provide a monthly stipend. Detailed information on available programs and application procedures can be found on the MAECI website.

University-Specific Scholarships: Many Italian universities extend their scholarships to international students. These scholarships, which can be merit-based or need-based, often address various aspects of students’ expenses.

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