
Study in China

Embarking on an educational journey is a significant decision that can mold your future and unlock a world of opportunities. At Humayl Consultants, we recognize the gravity of this choice, particularly when considering China as your destination for higher education. With our seasoned team and a robust network of connections in China, we are wholeheartedly committed to providing the finest support for students who aspire to study in this diverse and dynamic nation. Whether it’s assisting with visa applications, guiding you to the right university, or offering invaluable insights into the transformative power of education in China, we’re here for you. We’re passionate about helping students like you achieve your academic and personal objectives in China, and our mission is to shape a brighter future for students on the global stage.

Why China?

English-Taught Programs
Scholarships, Stipend, & Free Living
Easy & Fast Processing
Global Connectivity
Diverse Programs & Subject Areas
Bachelor’s | Master’s | PhD | Diploma

China’s education system stands as a gateway to a world of possibilities. With a rich cultural heritage and a rapidly growing economy, China offers international students a unique blend of tradition and innovation. Renowned for its academic excellence, the country boasts an array of English-taught programs, making it an accessible destination for global learners. The affordability of tuition and cost of living, along with streamlined admission processes, further enhance China’s appeal as an educational hub. 


Scholarships for International Students in China

CSC Scholarship

Provincial Scholarship

One Belt One Road Scholarship

Huashan Scholarships